This home was purchased with an existing unsafe structure case open with Miami Dade county Building Department. The owners had to hire an attorney to file an injunction to put a halt to the demolition order that the county had placed on the property.
In due time if the owners did not begin to correct the problems by submitting plans and permits, the department was in its right to demolish the existing house and leave the bill for the owner to pay. The county would then place a lien on the property in order for them to recuperate their monies.

Rausa Builders, Corp. was hired to correct all the code compliance violations and the unsafe structure case. This was considered a full rehabilitation construction project.
We demolished the rear illegal addition and rebuilt the rear envelope of the existing structure. In this demolition there were two illegal bathrooms and one bedroom utilized as an efficiency. The complete residence was re-wired with new electrical wires, electrical panel and meter box. We replaced the water supply lines as well as the cast iron sewer lines that were exposed after demolition.
The bathrooms and kitchen were completely remodeled. A new Central Air Conditioning System was installed with all new duct work. All the windows and entry doors were installed new with hurricane storm panels.
The homes old shingle roof was replaced with a new clay tile roof and a circular asphalt driveway was created. The complete residence was cement stucco as the existing exterior walls are from frame structure. The complete interior floor was enforced with new 1/4″ tile backer and was completely tiled throughout.
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